Performers in alphabetical order

Alexander R. Adams, bass - baritone

Emma Burge, violin

HyeYeon Kim, piano

Valentyn Lysenko, bandura

Allison Pohl, soprano

Ksenia Popova, soprano

Duo Powers-de la Torre, piano

Mark Hilliard Wilson, guitar



Myroslav Skoryk - Carpathian Rhapsody 

Emma Burge, violin; HyeYeon Kim, piano


Witold Lutosławski -  (1913 - 1994),  

Six  folk melodies from 12 Folk melodies 1947

1.Ach, moj Jasienko (Oh my Johnny)

2.Hej, od Krakowa jade (Hey, I come from Cracow)

3.Jest drozyna, jest (There is a path, there is)

4.Pastereczka (The shepherd girl)

5.Na jabloni jablko wisi (An apple hangs on the apple tree)

6.Od Sieradza plynie rzeka (A river flows from Sieradz)

Mark Hilliard Wilson, guitar


Maurice Moszkowski - Cortège et Gavotte, Op. 43 

Duo Powers - de la Torre


Myroslav Volynsky - I Ache for You  

Ksenia Popova, soprano; HyeYeon Kim, piano 


Stanisław Moniuszko -  Łza / Tear  

Ksenia Popova, soprano; HyeYeon Kim, piano


Valentyn Lysenko - Requiem 

Valentyn Lysenko, bandura


Mykola Lysenko - Why Have the Roses Grown Pale? 

Alexander R. Adams, bass-baritone; HyeYeon Kim, piano 


Tadeusz Baird - Cztery sonety miłosne 

1. Jak lichy aktor (Sonnet 23 by William Shakespeare) 

Alexander R. Adams - bass-baritone; HyeYeon Kim, piano 




Viktor Kosenko - Mazurka Op.3 No. 1 

HyeYeon Kim, piano 


Henryk  Wieniawski - Légende Op.17 for Violin and Piano    

Emma Burge, violin; HyeYeon Kim, piano



Frederic Chopin - Melodia (Op.74 nr 9)

Allison Pohl, soprano; HyeYeon Kim, piano 


Roman Hrynkiv - Fugue Ostinato 

Valentyn Lysenko, bandura


Mykola Lysenko -  Arrangement of Ukrainian folk song "Ой, не світи, місяченьку" (Oh, Do Not Shine Bright Moon) 

Allison Pohl, soprano; Valentyn Lysenko, bandura 


Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op. 59 No. 1 

HyeYeon Kim, piano 


Oleg Boyko  (b 1976), Ukraine 

Lento from Three Autumn Waltzes


Alexander Tansman (1897 - 1986) 

Barcarolle from Cavatina suite 


Mark Hilliard Wilson, guitar


Valentin Silvestrov, Bagatelles for Piano, Op. 1 no. 2 

Lark Powers, piano


Valentin Silvestrov - Bagatelles for Piano Op. 4 no. 1 

Ricardo de la Torre, piano


Myroslav Skoryk Three Extravagant Dances, 

No. 3 if from an old gramophone record 

Duo Powers - de la Torre, piano



Grażyna Bacewicz -  Polish Caprice 

Emma Burge, violin



Frederic Chopin - Melodia 


[From the mountains, where they were carrying]

Zygmunt Krasiński (1812–1859)

From the mountains, where they were carrying

the burden of terrible crosses,

They could see from afar the promised land.

They could see the light of the heavenly rays

Towards which their tribe

was toiling down below,

But they themselves will never enter that land.

They will never sit down to life’s festivities,

And maybe… they will even be forgotten!

Translator’s note: The song refers to the fate of Moses (Deut.

32:48–52 and 34:1–5), but also reflects that of the Poles during

the nineteenth-century partition period.


Mykola Lysenko -  Ukrainian folk song "Ой, не світи, місяченьку" (Oh, Do Not Shine Bright Moon) 


Oh don't shine dear moon, 

Don't shine for no one,

Just shine for my beloved,

As he journeys homeward!


Shine for him in the morning,

And yet chase away the clouds,

But if he has already found another,

Do hide behind the clouds!


Shone the moon , shone he brightly,

Then he hid behind a cloud,

And I, a poor girl, bitterly weep -

Betrayed me, my beloved.



Myroslav Volynsky - I Ache for You 


I Ache For You 

Oleksandr Oles

Translation: Uliana Pasicznyk and Maxim Tarnawsky


Come to me, do come!
I long for you unremittingly,
My longing knows no limits.
My torment is inconsolable,

Yet the night is so bright and tender, like you!

Like you? Like you? Oh, not at all!
You are more tender by far
Than this entire gentle night.

The bright night will not console me Because you are so much more tender, Because it’s you!

Whether it is just a single tremulous note played pianissimo or a whole arpeggiated crescendo passage, the beloved is more gentle, more dear than the whole song put together. Love cannot be circumscribed by quatrain or quaver.




Stanisław Moniuszko -  Łza / Tear 


O lonely, bitter tear,

what you moisturize my eye,

You are the only one left

a souvenir of spring days!

Your sisters were swimming

these eyelids are full of springs,

But the cold wind blew them away

among bad, sleepless nights.


And they dispersed into a cloud

those golden stars,

which brightened me up

both love and longing.

When passions storm

there was a slight mist ,

Why did you stay?

past times tear?



Mykola Lysenko - Why Have the Roses Grown Pale? [3:00]



Tadeusz Baird - Cztery sonety miłosne 

1. Jak lichy aktor (Sonnet 23 by William Shakespear) 


As an unperfect actor on the stage

Who with his fear is put beside his part,

Or some fierce thing replete with too much rage,


Whose strength’s abundance weakens his own heart;

So I for fear of trust forget to say

The perfect ceremony of love’s rite,

And in mine own love’s strength seem to decay,


O’ercharged with burden of mine own love’s might.

O, let my books be then the eloquence

And dumb presagers of my speaking breast,

Who plead for love and look for recompense


More than that tongue that more hath more expressed.

 O, learn to read what silent love hath writ.

To hear with eyes belongs to love’s fine wit.